Costs and film production

  1. Which is the most expensive film produced in your country?
  2. How much did it cost?
  3. Compare with each other.
Links you can use

10 most expensive movies in the world

Dyreste og billigste danske film 2010-2014

Danmarks dyreste film

Danmarks dyreste tv-serie

Nordens dyreste film: Arn (2007) - Not many spectators went to see "Arn"

The history of Nordic film


Most expensive movie produced in the world:

Pirates of the Caribean (2007) 336 mio dollars -

Most expensive movies produced in our countries:

Denmark: “Flammen og Citronen” - 46 mio kr - 6,13 mio euro

Frankrig: ”Valerion et la cite des 1000 planets” 170 mio euro

Spain: ”Agora” 50 mio euro

Greece: ”Alter Ego” 2 million euro